Al-Azkiyaa - International Journal of Language and Education
<p><img style="float: left; width: 306px; height: 354px;" src="" alt="Smiley face" /></p> <p><strong>Al-Azkiyaa</strong> is a refereed journal published biannually by USIM Press (Penerbit USIM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Its main objective is to provide a channel for the publication of articles, research notes, case studies, and book reviews based on research and original thoughts in Language and Education. Articles are published in Arabic, English and Bahasa Melayu. al-Azkiyaa provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle of making research freely available to the public in order to support a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Aims and Scope:</strong></p> <p>Al-Azkiyaa aims to disseminate knowledge and to advance the integration of research studies, theories, and practices in the areas related to language (Linguistics and Literature) and education. al-Azkiyaa invites all researchers, scholars, teachers, administrators, policy makers, specialists, and others to submit potential manuscripts consistent with our Journal’s mission.</p>Penerbit USIMen-USAl-Azkiyaa - International Journal of Language and Education2948-5312<p>For all articles published in Al-Azkiyaa journal, copyright is retained by the authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, meaning that anyone may download and read the paper for free. In addition, the article may be reused and quoted provided that the original published version is cited. These conditions allow for maximum use and exposure of the work, while ensuring that the authors receive proper credit.</p> <p>In exceptional circumstances articles may be licensed differently. If you have specific condition (such as one linked to funding) that does not allow this license, please mention this to the Al-Azkiyaa Managing Editorial. Exceptions will be granted at the discretion of the publisher.</p>Modul Pembelajaran Interaktif untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Tahun 1 Kelas Al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain (KAFA):
<p>Pembelajaran interaktif digunakan sebagai pendekatan terkini dalam dunia pendidikan 5.0. Elemen ketertarikan dan menyeronokkan yang terdapat dalam kaedah pembelajaran interaktif ini amat sinonim dengan perkembangan murid-murid di pelbagai tahap pendidikan lebih-lebih lagi pendidikan rendah yang melibatkan murid-murid yang berumur 7 hingga 12 tahun. Hal ini berikutan, murid-murid di sekolah rendah kebiasaannya lebih tertarik kepada cara pengajaran yang bersifat interaktif yang mampu merangsang perhatian fokus, semangat dan motivasi mereka untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti pengajaran guru. Penggunaan pembelajaran interaktif yang menggabungkan beberapa pendekatan pembelajaran yang menarik seperti pembelajaran berasaskan permainan, pembelajaran berpusatkan murid, pembelajaran koperatif serta pembelajaran aktif menjadikan ianya relevan dan sesuai diaplikasikan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) bahasa Arab tahun 1 Kurikulum Kelas Al-Quran dan Fardhu ‘Ain (KAFA). Dalam kajian ini, Modul Pembelajaran Interaktif (MPI) dibina oleh pengkaji bertujuan meningkatkan sumber pengetahuan guru mengenai kaedah pembelajaran interaktif (PPI) dalam proses PdP bahasa Arab tahun 1 KAFA. Modul ini dibina berdasarkan daripada kurikulum dan buku teks bahasa Arab KAFA tahun 1 yang memfokuskan kepada penguasaan kemahiran asas bahasa Arab iaitu kemahiran mendengar, bertutur, menulis dan membaca melalui topik pembelajaran yang terdapat di dalam buku teks seperti huruf-huruf Arab, nombor dan bilangan, keluarga, kata sapaan dan sebagainya. Justeru, satu tinjauan literatur dijalankan bertujuan memastikan bahawa pembangunan modul serta kajian yang dijalankan mencapai tahap relevan berdasarkan kajian serta rujukan yang berkait dengan PPI dalam PdP bahasa Arab tahun 1 KAFA.</p>Nurul Fathinah Ahmad YusoffZarima Mohd Zakaria
Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Fathinah Ahmad Yusoff, Zarima Mohd Zakaria
2024-10-302024-10-303215616910.33102/alazkiyaa81آليات تلقي الصحابة – رضوان الله عليهم- للقرآن الكريم: دراسة دلالية تداولية
<p>تلقّى الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم القرآن الكريم مِن فِيِّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، عذباً نديّاً. ولم يأْلُ الصحابة جهداً في حفظ القرآن وتطبيقه في حياتهم ومعاملاتهم، ومحاولة الوقوف على مرامي الخطاب. وانطلاقاً من كَوْن الصحابة الأبرار هم الأقرب إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، والأعلم بمواطن النزول وأسبابه، يأتي سعي هذا البحث إلى الوقوف على الآليات التي عوَّل عليها الصحابة - رضوان الله عليهم أجمعين- عند تلقي القرآن الكريم، وذلك من منظور دلاليّ تداوليّ. وقد اُستخدِم المنهج الوصفيّ التحليليّ، وذلك بالرجوع إلى مظانّ البحث واستقرائها وتحليلها؛ للوصول إلى نتائج علمية موضوعية. وقد خلص البحث إلى عدة نتائج، منها: اتّكاء الصحابة على عدة استراتيجيات عند تلقيهم النص القرآني، ومنها: التضام، ومبدأ التشابه، والمعرفة الخلفية، ومراعاة سياق الموقف</p>Muhammad Abdel Rahman IbrahimMohammad Khalil Mohammad Alramadeen
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Abdel Rahman Ibrahim, Mohammad Khalil Mohammad Alramadeen
2024-10-302024-10-303210812010.33102/alazkiyaa89The role of Intention (Niyyah) in education: Based on al-Quran and Sunnah
<p>The purpose of this study is to highlight the impact of intention on the quality of education and the self-development of knowledge seekers. The methodology of this study will follow a qualitative approach and literature review. This study is based on primary sources such as verses from the Quran and hadith, as well as secondary sources that include previous research, books, articles, and related papers. The results of this study can provide practical guidance to knowledge seekers to improve their educational experience by appreciating and understanding the role of strong intentions in seeking knowledge and self-development within the framework of Islam.</p>Nur Solehah Mohd Zuki Mesbahul HoqueYuslina Mohamed
Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Solehah Mohd Zuki , Mesbahul Hoque, Yuslina Mohamed
2024-10-302024-10-303220721910.33102/alazkiyaa95Analisis makna dalam puisi 'Panggilan-Mu yang Suci' karya Rosli Dhoby
<p>Kajian ini menganalisis makna dalam puisi ‘Panggilan-Mu yang Suci’ karya pejuang kemerdekaan negeri Sarawak iaitu Rosli Dhoby. Puisi merupakan satu karangan yang merungkai estetika pemikirnya melalui luahan, emosi dan imaginasi. Dalam puisi yang dihasilkan oleh nasionalis muda ini, beliau menyeru anak muda untuk bangkit memperjuangkan kemerdekaan tanah air daripada terus berada dalam belenggu penjajah. Kajian ini dijalankan secara analisis kandungan berdasarkan teori semantik. Hasil kajian mendapati puisi ini mengandungi makna kiasan, referensial, gramatikal dan leksikal. Menerusi puisi yang dihasilkan ini, jelas membuktikan bahawa cinta Rosli Dhoby terhadap tanah airnya sangat utuh, bukan sekadar diungkapkan melalui puisi ini malah dibuktikan apabila beliau sanggup berkorban nyawa demi menuntut kemerdekaan.</p>Nabillah BolhassanZul Hanis Yop Othman
Copyright (c) 2024 Nabillah Bolhassan, Zul Hanis Yop Othman
2024-10-302024-10-303219520610.33102/alazkiyaa96Faktor luaran yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan kaedah nyanyian dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab: Kajian perspektif pelajar
<p>Kaedah nyanyian adalah kaedah pengajaran yang menggunakan lagu dan irama sebagai alat bantuan bagi mencapai objektif sesi pembelajaran. Kaedah nyanyian mempunyai keberkesanan dalam membantu meningkatkan prestasi akademik pelajar dalam subjek Bahasa Arab. Terdapat perbezaan yang ketara dihadapi oleh pelajar setelah diterapkan kaedah nyanyian dalam kelas, yang mana mereka dapat menguasai topik yang diajarkan dengan lebih baik dan efisien hanya setelah menggunakan kaedah nyanyian. Maka, secara umumnya jelas bahawa kaedah pengajaran menggunakan teknik nyanyian ini memberikan impak positif kepada pelajar secara khususnya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk meneroka pandangan pelajar tentang faktor-faktor lain yang memainkan peranan dalam membantu meningkatkan keberkesanan sesi pembelajaran selain daripada modul dan kaedah pengajaran itu sendiri. Pengumpulan data dijalankan secara temu bual bersemuka dan analisis tematik digunakan bagi menganalisis data kajian. Pengkaji menjalankan temubual ke atas sepuluh orang responden kajian yang merupakan pelajar tahun satu program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Islam, Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa Utama, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Pelajar-pelajar ini mengaplikasikan kaedah nyanyian bagi menguasai kursus Nahu Gunaan 1 dalam Bahasa Arab. Hasil kajian menyimpulkan terdapat empat faktor luaran lain yang memberi kesan kepada keberkesanan kaedah nyanyian iaitu i) peranan guru, ii) peranan rakan-rakan, iii) peranan alat pengajaran (lagu), iv) peranan topik pembelajaran. Kesimpulannya, kaedah nyanyian ini mempunyai tahap keberkesanan yang berbeza ke atas pelajar bergantung kepada cara peranan-peranan ini dimainkan.</p>Wan Muhammad Shaker Wan AdnanAzlan Shaiful BaharumMohd Nizwan Musling
Copyright (c) 2024 Wan Muhammad Shaker Wan Adnan, Azlan Shaiful Baharum, Mohd Nizwan Musling
2024-10-302024-10-303212113310.33102/alazkiyaa97The blended learning as an alternative to the online education for the Bangladeshi universities
<p>During the Covid-19, online education, the only alternative to the face-to-face education had a number of limitations and challenges such as, the negative conception about the lack of quality, non-achievement of learning outcomes, chances of unfair means in examinations, digital divide and the lack of trained teachers. So, it was assumed that blended education can be an effective alternative to the online education. But there was no research as to authenticate the efficacy of this method. This study was conducted to investigate the perceptions of students and teachers about blended learning. This is a qualitative, in particular, case study. The data came from interviews with 15 student participants and two teachers who conducted a blended course, their discussions, and postings on online forums, such as Facebook, Google Classroom, and student journals. Data collected from these sources were analyzed following the qualitative data analysis method. The majority of the participants in this study opine that the blended method is a useful substitute for traditional classroom instruction for the universities of Bangladesh. This method, they reported, offered them opportunities such as more flexibility, increased learning through teacher and peer feedback, scope for self-exploration, better and enhanced interaction, an increase of technological skills, and higher-order thinking though there are a number of challenges of blended method such as the digital divide, and the lack of teacher training. This study can be an eye-opener for stakeholders like UGC Bangladesh, university authorities to improve the quality of higher education.</p>Md Khaled Bin ChowdhuryFariza Puteh Behak
Copyright (c) 2024 Md Khaled Bin Chowdhury, Fariza Puteh Behak
2024-10-302024-10-303222024210.33102/alazkiyaa98استراتيجيات استخدام اللغة العربيّة الفصيحة لأغراض المناظرة على المستوى العالميّ لدى متناظري جامعة العلوم الإسلاميّة الماليزيّة
<p>A language use strategy refers to a method employed in using language that has been acquired at a certain stage. This study examines the strategies used for employing standard Arabic in international debates among debaters from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). The primary objective is to identify both direct and indirect strategies utilized in using standard Arabic for debate purposes. This qualitative research adopts a descriptive-analytical approach, drawing on primary data from interviews with six (6) Arabic language debaters representing USIM at the international level. The research results show that the most important direct strategies for using standard Arabic in debates include: memory strategies such as repeating new words, writing, listening, speaking, and using applications. Cognitive strategies encompass reading, watching videos, asking questions among friends, discussing words, changing words, using the “mark” method, and searching for keywords related to debate topics. As for the indirect strategies, metacognitive strategies include structured methods provided by debate trainers, such as assigning words and topics, watching videos, and extracting words from those videos. Social strategies involve seeking assistance from advanced debaters, collaborating on word searches, sharing vocabulary, engaging in friendly competitions, and rehearsing speech style and vocabulary before formal training.</p>Ahmad Fikri Mohd MuhamraMohd Nizwan Musling
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Fikri Mohd Muhamra, Mohd Nizwan Musling
2024-10-302024-10-303217019410.33102/alazkiyaa104 دراسة في ضوء الأدبيات السابقة: مراجعة تحليلية لحروف الجر في القرآن الكريم
<p>The Holy Quran is considered the primary and first reference for Muslims, as all the rulings and transactions mentioned in it are based on the constitution and rule that Muslims follow. The texts of the Holy Quran contain many grammatical and rhetorical structures. One of these structures is the use of prepositions to express rulings or stories mentioned in the Holy Quran. Therefore, this study seeks to review the literature that dealt with prepositions in the Holy Quran. It sought to know the contexts of previous studies in which quarter of the Holy Quran they were. And to identify the most common meanings of prepositions mentioned in these studies. This study used desk research by reviewing the librarian study of previous studies. The study found that many previous studies focused on studying prepositions from the first and third quarters of the Holy Quran. The results indicated that the high-frequency prepositions are "Lam," "Ba’," "Min," "Ala," and "Fi." These prepositions are essential for the expression of fundamental concepts such as ownership, means, origin, responsibility, and location. This study recommends conducting more studies in the context of the uses of prepositions in the Holy Quran.</p>Mariam Safaaldin BahaaldinNorhayati Che Hat
Copyright (c) 2024 Mariam Safaaldin Bahaaldin, Norhayati Che Hat
2024-10-302024-10-303224325310.33102/alazkiyaa110How teacher qualifications, experience, expectations, and professional development affected eighth-grade students' Science achievement in Abu Dhabi: Insights from TIMSS 2019
<p>Education research has steadily expanded to explore how educator qualities, parental involvement, student attitudes, and social skills impact academic performance. This study focuses on these variables in the context of eighth-grade science teaching in the Abu Dhabi Emirate, aiming to identify their consistent effects on student achievement. Using a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis and qualitative insights, the research provided a comprehensive examination of the factors influencing educational outcomes in the region. The research findings highlight the significance of dynamic and continued parent participation in several forms, with home-related support, school-related activities, and public appointments.</p>Sari Mohammad Khalifeh AlkhararbehFariza Puteh BehakMaziahtusima IshakRosilawati Ramlan
Copyright (c) 2024 Sari Mohammad Khalifeh Alkhararbeh, Fariza Puteh Behak, Maziahtusima Ishak, Rosilawati Ramlan