The concept of jihad for education
Jihad, Concept, Education, Knowledge.Abstract
Jihad has a very broad context that encompasses many fields, each with its own definition. The term Jihad is also widely used by Muslims for a positive purpose that is to strive for good to gain the pleasure of God. However, non-Muslims and even some Muslims have a misconception about the true meaning of jihad, conflating it with a violent struggle to uphold one's religious beliefs. In addition, many Muslims and non-Muslims alike give a limited definition of jihad, claiming that it only refers to "Holy War". Therefore, this study will examine the concept of Jihad in general through the views of reliable scholars. In addition, the researcher will specifically examine the merits of Jihad in seeking knowledge based on the arguments of the Quran and Sunnah that are appropriate for this Jihad seeking knowledge. This study will use a data-based library which the descriptive analysis of the text will be used as the main mechanism to analyze the content of the text to collect data related to the concept of Jihad. This analysis takes into account the opinions and views of the scholars that they conclude based on the Quran and Sunnah in their books. This study demonstrates that seeking knowledge is a component of Jihad, which is highly demanded by Islam. Furthermore, the study relating to the concept of Jihad demonstrates that Jihad has a very broad scope, encompassing Jihad against lust, the devil, with property for the sake of Islam, and more.
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