Konsep feminisme Barat yang ditolak oleh paradigma Islam dalam filem "Perempuan Berkalung Sorban"
Refuting the concept of Western feminism in the film “Woman with Turban”
The ideology of feminism started from the west since the 1700s, by Christianity teachings. Feminism is a social group that aims to reject patriarchy and women's inequality. Therefore, various movements of feminism has since emerged including the socialists, radicalists, liberalists, theologists and culturalists. However, the ideological issue of feminism has been rejected from an Islamic’s perspective. This is because of Islam places great emphasis on women's rights based on the verses of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet SAW. Therefore, the findings from the film “Woman with Turban” give an impact on the audience that women's rights have been fought for by Islam since the time of the Prophet SAW. Anissa’s character showed the battle of a woman in getting basic human (women) rights. However, this discussion aims to present an Islamic opinion in denying western feminism views based on the movie "Woman with Turban".
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