تحليل الدلالة الزمنية لصيغة الفعل المضارع: سورة مريم أنموذجا
Analysis of the time reference of the present tense verb forms: Surah Maryam as an example
verb temporality, imperfect verb, context, temporal particleAbstract
This article seeks to present an analytical exploration about the temporal significance of imperfect verb in Arabic language and the temporal meaning of imperfect verb in Arabic language in Surah Maryam. This study is a descriptive research employing a qualitative method approach which describes, shows or summarizes the data in a constructive way such that pattern might emerge and fulfill every condition of the data research. All data in this study were generated through the documentation from a number of literature and to analyse the data, the researchers use the content analysis method to determine the presence of certain words, its themes and concepts. And the results of this study show that the imperfect verb form in the context is not the only evidence of the inteded time, the time can possibly shift as the result of the existence of the marker of aspectuality to see the internal time consistuent of a situation or an event. The temporal act is signified by numerous grammatical and lexical means which include external information derived from history and geography, particles, verbs nawasikh, nouns, and adverbs. This interaction creates a building of context determining of syntactic tense. So the temporal significance meaning of imperfect verb in Surah Maryam sometimes refer to the present, the past and the future according to context as determinant of the time meaning.
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