Islamic Education Practices Among Muslim Students at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) Kulai 1
Islamic Education Practices, Muslim Students, SJKCAbstract
This study was conducted to identify the practice of Islamic education among Muslim students in Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) and to determine the most attractive topic among them. This study also aimed to explore the factors that influence the practise of Islamic education among Muslim students in SJKC. The quantitative techniques were used in this study through the uses of a questionnaire instrument, which was then analysed using the SPSS version.The study found that syahadah is the most commonly practised component among Muslim students at SJKC. The study also reveals that the Sirah is the most popular topic and the Islamic education teacher’s encouragement is the main factor that influences the practise of Muslim students on the subject of teachers and students and raises awareness of the value of Islamic Education subjects.
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