Overcoming obstacles: Insights into the English language proficiency of diploma students in a Malaysian polytechnic
English language learning, Malaysian polytechnic, strengths, challenges, qualitative study, language proficiencyAbstract
Given English's status as the international language of communication, its mastery is necessary for global interaction. However, people often face communicative difficulties in countries where English is not the primary language. English educators must understand the obstacles their students face for effective teaching. Therefore, exploring students' perspectives on their difficulties in learning English as an additional language becomes a research priority. This qualitative study aimed to identify the strengths and challenges faced by English language learners in a polytechnic institution in Malaysia. Information was collected through open-ended questionnaires and interpreted using a thematic analysis approach. The results indicate that deficits in English proficiency, confidence and fluency are learners' main challenges. In contrast, determination, enthusiasm and optimism were highlighted as notable strengths. The study highlights the need for a solid foundation in language skills such as understanding instructions and messages, vocabulary acquisition and fluency. Implementing language teaching methods that address individual challenges such as comprehension deficits, grammar, and vocabulary is paramount. The findings have significant implications for English language teaching in Malaysian polytechnics. They show a need to improve English immersion, promote dynamic and engaging learning exercises, and create a supportive and motivating learning atmosphere.
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