Publisher | USIM PRESS |
eISSN | 2948-5312 |
Estd. | 2022 |
DOI | 10.33102/al-azkiyaa |
Publishing Frequency | April and October |
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)
Tahap penguasaan kosa kata dialek Melayu tradisional Sarawak dalam kalangan remaja Melayu Universiti Teknologi Sarawak The level of proficiency in the vocabulary mastery of the traditional Malay dialect of Sarawak among Malay youths at University Of Technology Sarawak
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المقاطع الصوتية العربية في ضوء علمَي الأصوات والتجويد Arabic syllables from the perspectives of phonology and tajweed
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Overcoming obstacles: Insights into the English language proficiency of diploma students in a Malaysian polytechnic
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Relationship between motivation and students’ Arabic language learning outcomes in Malaysian religious secondary school
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Cabaran penggunaan Quizlet dalam pengajaran aksara Cina bagi kursus bahasa Mandarin sebagai bahasa asing di Universiti Malaysia Sabah The challenge of using Quizlet in teaching Chinese characters for Mandarin language courses as a foreign language at Universiti Malaysia Sabah
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