Relationship between motivation and students’ Arabic language learning outcomes in Malaysian religious secondary school
motivation, Arabic language, learning outcomes, religious secondary schoolsAbstract
Motivation is the driving force for a person to succeed or achieve something desired. Education scholars explain that motivation is a key element along with language ability in determining the success of language learning in the classroom. Positive and strong learning motivation among students is important to achieve language mastery. This study aims to examine the relationship between motivation and learning outcomes among religious secondary school students in Malaysia. For this purpose, a set of Likert scale-type questionnaires were distributed to 500 fourth-grade students who were selected using a random sampling technique from 20 religious secondary schools according to the zones in Malaysia. This quantitative study uses descriptive and inferential data analysis. The findings of the study show that the level of student motivation as a whole is at a mean value of 3.86 (SD = 0.49) which is at a moderately high level. The level of students' Arabic learning results as a whole is at a mean value of 3.52 (SD = 0.50) which is also at a moderately high level. The findings of the study also show that there is a significant relationship between motivation and students' Arabic learning outcomes (r=0.399, p>.05) at a significant level of 0.01. The findings of this relationship show that student motivation can affect their Arabic learning outcomes at school. Therefore, teachers need to always provide encouragement and motivation to students to continue learning and mastering Arabic.
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